Tuesday 10 July 2012

Let's support Nirmal Baba

Nirmal Baba’s name is akin to all great spiritual leaders who gave good message to the people, worked for the good of the society. They all worked towards removing social evils from our society.
Nirmal Baba has been a source of blessing to me and thousands like me. His Kripa did uphold us in our time of need. When we felt that we cannot live the next moment, his Kripa came to strengthen us.
Nirmal Baba’s every word or every teaching worked wonders in our life. There were times when we didn’t say anything personally to him but still he understood our needs and desires, our problems and our troubles. With the advices that he gave us, our life turned joyous.
Many of you agree with me when I say that the existence of God became clearer because of Nirmal Baba’s teachings. We found a new meaning to God. We found new road to spiritualism. We could pray to God daily, visit temples frequently, all because of Nirmal Baba’s teachings. We could care more for nature and all other creations of God, because he exhorted us.
Most importantly, we can now live without the fear of various days, planets and all the other-worldly things. It was Nirmal Baba’s teachings that gave us the understanding that we needn’t fear those as they wouldn’t do us any harm.
So now, a Man who taught us to pray to God more than anyone else and asked us to do good, take care of the poor more than anything, is in a state where people are branding him as fraud. If he is fraud then all the above mentioned things and those that we have experienced in our lives will stand invalid.
No we cannot say that we haven’t experienced any of his blessings in our lives.
So then dear devotee/brother/sister/reader/friend of Nirmal Baba, it is time we give something to the man, who has showered innumerable blessings in our life. To the man, who has brought our lives back on the normal track. Now is the time to support him. Sign the Petition to support him http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/precious-teachings-of-nirmal-baba.html

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