Tuesday 10 July 2012

Let's support Nirmal Baba

Nirmal Baba’s name is akin to all great spiritual leaders who gave good message to the people, worked for the good of the society. They all worked towards removing social evils from our society.
Nirmal Baba has been a source of blessing to me and thousands like me. His Kripa did uphold us in our time of need. When we felt that we cannot live the next moment, his Kripa came to strengthen us.
Nirmal Baba’s every word or every teaching worked wonders in our life. There were times when we didn’t say anything personally to him but still he understood our needs and desires, our problems and our troubles. With the advices that he gave us, our life turned joyous.
Many of you agree with me when I say that the existence of God became clearer because of Nirmal Baba’s teachings. We found a new meaning to God. We found new road to spiritualism. We could pray to God daily, visit temples frequently, all because of Nirmal Baba’s teachings. We could care more for nature and all other creations of God, because he exhorted us.
Most importantly, we can now live without the fear of various days, planets and all the other-worldly things. It was Nirmal Baba’s teachings that gave us the understanding that we needn’t fear those as they wouldn’t do us any harm.
So now, a Man who taught us to pray to God more than anyone else and asked us to do good, take care of the poor more than anything, is in a state where people are branding him as fraud. If he is fraud then all the above mentioned things and those that we have experienced in our lives will stand invalid.
No we cannot say that we haven’t experienced any of his blessings in our lives.
So then dear devotee/brother/sister/reader/friend of Nirmal Baba, it is time we give something to the man, who has showered innumerable blessings in our life. To the man, who has brought our lives back on the normal track. Now is the time to support him. Sign the Petition to support him http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/precious-teachings-of-nirmal-baba.html

Wednesday 4 July 2012


Being myself a devotee of the great man. I thought of writing about some good experiences I had with him and also of some others whom I am acquainted with. This is just my small effort for the man who is being ruthlessly tormented by the media.
I was always a religious person, visiting all possible temples and shrines. But my father was almost an atheist. We always used to argue over the existence of God. I was very worried for him. Because my prayers were not bringing any positive results, I too began questioning God’s existence. Once through a friend I got introduced to the programs of Nirmal baba on television. It is then that I realized as to why my prayers were not answered yet. The way I was praying or the customs that I was following was wrong! It is through the effectual counseling that I got through Nirmal Baba, I renewed my prayers in the way he advised and got positive results. My father’s life changed, he now believes and trusts in God more than me! This is one of the many experiences in my life concerning Nirmal baba’s blessings.
The following is the experience shared by one of my closest friend - We all live in this world as mortal beings having all pains and troubles. These are common to everyone but to me it once felt like killing me inch by inch. I decided once for all to end my life, instead of dying day by day. That was day that I met with Nirmal baba. Through my niece who was a staunch believer of Nirmal Baba, I attended his samagam. It is then that I realized what I was about to do. With the one samagam that I attended, my life took a u-turn and came right back on the track. My problem didn’t get solved immediately but I got the courage to fight back. Thus I began believing in Nirmal baba.
This is the experience of my sister-in-law who is a school teacher with rationalistic views. She believes in God firmly and none else. And to her Nirmal Baba appeared as, just a person who was a guiding light towards that Almighty in which we all and he himself believes in. All the allegations by media and others that Nirmal baba claimed himself as God are wrong. Had it been a truth then Nirmal baba would not have advised people to pray to God sincerely, visit temples regularly, give dasawand, etc. He is but a teacher teaching the ways of God to the people. He is like a beacon of light to the people who go astray in the dark.
In all the above mentioned everyone had different experiences about Nirmal baba. We may not believe on him, or on his divine powers but that does not mean that he is wrong or fake and crook as alleged by media. If I am an atheist I have no right to stop other people from following God. Similarly, those people who do not believe in him should not try to shake or break the belief of the people who trust him as a guru, a teacher or as God.