Wednesday 20 June 2012


India is perhaps the only country on the globe which is full of diversities. Diversity in religion tops the list. No other country follows religions so sincerely and has so many internal disputes on religious issues. Religion is one topic that gets everybody talking, be it those who believe and those who does not.
There are various religious gurus further establish these already found religions. Such gurus make sure that the people of their particular religion follow the set guidelines already jotted down in their scriptures. Anyone interested in the spirituality and mediation looks for a Guru or a teacher who can guide him/her in the right direction. India is full of Gurus, spiritual as well as religious. These are the people who have promoted spirituality, meditation, love, peace, brotherhood, serving others and other such humanitarian values to people in India and the rest of the world. 

I would like to mention a few gurus who have personally made an impact on me. One who tops the list is Mata Amritanandamayi. Fondly known as Amma, she has only one aim in life, which is to provide people with her supreme guidance and lead them on a path of sadhana (meditation) and service of the mankind. Meeting Amma for the first time was a wonderful experience for me. Her soothing words, her calm voice, and her calm and composed personality easily makes one forget all the miseries in life. She hugs each and every individual who comes to attend her discourses.

Another leader which made a difference is Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh founder of Osho movement - a spiritual and philosophical movement. As per Osho, there is nothing more valuable or precious in this world than love, meditation and laughter. Enlightenment is the normal state in which a human being lives. It is because of being bounded in the emotional ties that he fails to recognize this state. Meditation is not something that needs to be taught, it is the state of just being.

Yet another spiritual leader is Nirmal Baba who with his wonderful teachings has registered himself in the minds of common people. His simple and honest teachings about following any religion or faith but respecting all have been beneficial to the society as a whole.

Many of these gurus work relentlessly towards easing the sufferings of the people in this world. Their sole mission in life is to "love and serve one and all". They are totally devoted to the well being of the mankind. They start their own missions and ashrams and engage in a whole lot of philanthropic work that serves as a welcome retreat for all those people who have become tired with the pain and suffering in life. Various discourses, provided by these gurus are a welcome relief from the ill will so widespread in this world.


  1. I think that the cultural thread of India is spun with the silken threads of spirituality derived from different religions and belief. This diversity not only strengthens our culture but also make it beautiful. Most of the prominent ethnologist during the early independence era passed their judgment saying that an utter chaos will spread over India as there are multiple cultures prevalent which will not be able to keep the unity of the country. But most of these social critics forget that every religion has spirituality and faith at its core which actually binds 8 religions, 29 major languages and 28 states into one nation. And these spiritual gurus have help in spreading the knowledge about this core.

  2. The Gurus mentioned are not the ones for name sake'. They are enlightened beings. They not only preach but also work for the good of humanity.

  3. If it was not for the preachings by the gurus, I would have become Atheist. It is these Godmen, who have time and again assured me of the existence of God.

  4. यहाँ वहाँ जहाँ भी जाऊंगा
    खुद को भूल नहीं पाउँगा
    कितना सच्चा कितना झूठा हूँ
    कहने से डरता हूँ
    जीवन की कसौटियों पर खुद को परखना आसान नहीं
    यह जीवन सिर्फ सुबह शाम नहीं
    मंजर बदल जाते हैं कुछ पाने की चाह में
    हीरे मिल जाते हैं कोयले की खदान में
    मिटटी में मिल जाता है गुरूर
    तभी होता है निर्मल बाबा की कृपा का नूर
